Jacqueline & Tom Byron – “Nymphobrat” 31/08/2014boy/girlbrat series, Jacqueline, tom byronvodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline & Buck Adams – “Date with the Devil” 25/08/2014boy/girlbuck adams, date with the devil, Jacquelinevodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline & Buck Adams – “Date with the Devil” 25/08/2014boy/girlbuck adams, date with the devil, Jacquelinevodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline & Gary Vann – “Born for Porn” 24/08/2014boy/girlborn for porn, gary vann, Jacquelinevodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline & Biff Malibu – “Rock’n Roll Fantasies” 29/07/2014boy/girlbiff malibu, Jacqueline, rockn roll fantasiesvodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline & Ted Wilson – “Rock’n Roll Fantasies” 29/07/2014boy/girlJacqueline, rockn roll fantasies, ted wilsonvodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Madison, Savannah, Jacqueline & Peter North – “Racquel’s Addiction” 20/02/2014foursome, lesbianJacqueline, Madison, racquels addiction, Savannahvodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE
Jacqueline, Patricia Kennedy, Jon Dough & Peter North – “Racquel’s Addiction” 19/02/2014foursomeJacqueline, jon dough, Patricia Kennedy, peter north, racquels addictionvodka tonic DOWNLOAD HERE